Fiona's Story
Meet Fiona. Fiona's family sadly reported her missing in October 2023. Fiona's family never gave up on her – they posted to social media pages and community forums regularly – checking every day to see if there was any sign of their sweet Fiona. 13 months later, an oddly familiar-looking big, brown tabby came through our office as stray under CatSpan Ferals Registered Charity. We scanned this shy girl for a microchip and to our surprise and delight we found that she had one! The microchip in place identified the mystery cat as our long-lost Fiona! We couldn’t be more excited to share this happy news with Fiona's loving family. Fortunately, Fiona's family had kept their contact information up to date and within a few short hours they were reunited with their special girl!
Fiona's story goes to emphasize the necessity of permanent identification and the importance of keeping contact information current.